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Psychic Development Class Descriptions 6 Week

Psychic Development Class Descriptions 6 Week

All classes will be held from 6 to 9 PM consecutively running for six weeks every Tuesday. All students will have homework, so please be sure to factor that in before you sign up to take this class!
Susan Rawlings
Psychic Parties
Susan Rawlings
Past Life Regression Session

Week 1 Making The Psychic Connections September 5 2023

Instructions on how to make your psychic bond very strong.

Week 2 Introduction Into Mediumship September 12, 2023

Learning to contact the spirits for our loved ones who have crossed over

Susan Rawlings
Psychic Reading Party
Susan Rawlings
Individual Magick Spells

Week 3 Methods To Give Accurate Psychic Readings September 19 2023

In this class, Susan will teach you how to give extremely accurate psychic
readings with her expertise. In this class, we will be going over how to be a very
confident reader, right off the bat!

Week 4 Remote Viewing September 26 2023

Remote viewing is a scientifically proven method to transcend time in space to Psychic. Leave you anything past present or future, person, place or thing, on or off the planet. Remote feeling was developed by the United States military for defense reasons Susan took her study of remote viewing with one of the original members of the Stargate program where remote viewing was developed for defense reasons in the military. Her mentor is best selling author and original member of the Stargate program David Morehouse.
Susan Rawlings
Magick Spells
Susan Rawlings
Psychic Readings Service

Week 5 October 3 2023

In this week, we will be demonstrating everything that we have learned in the
first four weeks and practicing amongst one another

Week 6 October 10 2023

Q & A on any topic that was discussed during the classes, and also more
practice to add confidence to your ability with getting feedback from others, that you are reading for

Susan Rawlings
Psychic Readings
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