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Susan Rawlings is a Professional Psychic Medium, Metaphysical Instructor, Public Speaker and Certified Hypnosis Practitioner . Starting in early childhood she was sensitive to psychic energy and has memories of seeing and interacting with Spirits. ​With years of experience throughout her career, she has successfully guided people of all ages and backgrounds through many life choices. She can intuitively assist you with any area of your life. Susan receives Clairvoyant impressions and can communicate with Loved Ones who have crossed over, Spirit Guides, Angels and Light Beings. She has worked with Law Enforcement on numerous unsolved crime and missing person investigations. Susan is also the house medium at the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft & Magick.
Susan Rawlings
Susan Rawlings Social
Susan has also studied Remote Viewing with Best Selling Author and former CIA Psychic Spy David Morehouse. Remote Viewing was developed in the Top Secret Government funded Stargate Program and is a scientifically proven method to transcend time and space to psychically view anything past, present or future on or off planet.
Hypnosis is also a service offered by Susan. She is a Certified Hypnosis Practitioner and deeply believes in the benefit of this modality because of her own personal success and the success rate of many clients.
​Susan is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio and serves an international client base. By using the wealth of gifts and unique abilities that Susan possesses, she can help you discover your own psychic abilities and reach your fullest potential possible.


Psychic Medium Susan Rawlings Seance at The Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick

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