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About Susan Rawlings

Susan Rawlings is a Professional Psychic Medium, Metaphysical Instructor, Public Speaker and Certified Hypnosis Practitioner . Starting in early childhood she was sensitive to psychic energy and has memories of seeing and interacting with Spirits.

Professional Psychic medium | Susan Rawlings
Psychic Medium Online | Susan Rawlings
Susan has also studied Remote Viewing with Best Selling Author and former CIA Psychic Spy David Morehouse. Remote Viewing was developed in the Top Secret Government funded Stargate Program and is a scientifically proven method to transcend time and space to psychically view anything past, present or future on or off planet.


I am so glad our paths have crossed! Susan Rawlings is an Internationally known Professional Psychic Medium forever 30 years in business. Susan can be seen in person or, see clients by zoom meetings, FaceTime or phone sessions. Susan is also a teacher of Psychic Development, Hypnosis practitioner, a wealth of knowledge on the Magickal Arts, a Spiritualist minister and can help you find clarity direction, and insight you’ve been searching for starting today!

Please remember that all appointments are booked on Eastern Standard Time Zone!

Susan Rawlings on Out n About Columbus

Our Services

Psychic Mediumship Readings

Connect with the spirit world for guidance, clarity, and healing through psychic mediumship readings.

Licensed Minister

Susan Rawlings is a licensed Minister in the state of Ohio Susan officiates

Psychic Development Classes

Through Psychic Visions and Clairvoyant Messages, Susan can answer any question

Readings by phone & video conferencing

Susan services an international client base, I see people in person in my office schedule a Psychic Reading over the phone (FaceTime readings available for
iPhone users)!


seance is a a meeting at which people attempt to make contact with the dead, especially through the agency of a medium so on this section add a box for that service as well

Psychic Parties

Susan has given Psychic Readings at Night Clubs, High School Proms, Holiday Parties, Bachelorette Parties, Birthday Parties, Corporate Parties, Graduation
Parties, so many other


Our Products


What My Client Says

You are so inspiring and amazing! Thank you for this. I’ve been struggling a lot with healing from all of my religious trauma. I’m so proud to know you and that we are going to plan out you mentoring me to help me with my gifts. You are so amazing, Susan, and I cherish our friendship! Thank you for always making me feel like my gifts are completely normal to have and that I’m accepted and loved…in all aspects. You’re the most amazing person, as well as the most amazing Psychic Medium.


I just wanted to say thank you for my oils and the lovely card you sent. I very much appreciate you taking the time to write me a nice note. That was very sweet! And thank you again. Susan Rawlings Drakus thank you for all you do and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas as well! Can’t wait to see what new magical fragrances you come up with in the new year.


YOU ARE THE BEST PSYCHIC!!! I GOT THE JOB!!. I start November 1st. Girl. I swear everything is lining up perfectly. I’m so excited and I’m so happy. My new boss is amazing. She’s white light and she’s so kind. It’s an honor to work for her and she’s a wealth of knowledge. I WILL BE ABLE TO RETIRE WITH THIS COMPANY!! They never fire anyone and people never leave.
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Susan Rawlings

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